연세대 분리정제연구실


Separation &
Purification Laboratory





Prof. Chang-Ha Lee
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
S603, 1st Engineering building, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel: +82-2-2123-2762, Fax: +82-2-312-6401







  1988 – 1993       University of Pittsburgh, USA

                               Ph.D. in Department of Chemical Engineering

  1980 – 1986       Yonsei University, Korea

                               M.S. in Department of Chemical Engineering, 1986

                               B.S. in Department of Chemical Engineering, 1984

  1993 – 1994       Merck & Co, USA, Post-doctoral fellow





 1994 – Present      Yonsei University

    ​2012  present      Director, The Converged Energy Materials Research Center

    2018 – 2020         Vice President for University Planning & Management

    2014  2015         Vice Representative, Council of Yonsei Professors     

    2010 – 2011         Chief Director, Yonsei Engineering Research Complex (YERC)

    2007 – 2008         Committee member of Education and Research Planning for Yonsei

                                Songdo New Campus

    2006 – 2009         Associate Dean for International Affair, College of Engineering

    2003 2004         Vice Director, Yonsei Engineering Research Complex

    2000 – 2016         Personnel Committee Member of College of Engineering

    1999 – 2001         Head of Department of Chemical and Engineering


    2002 – Present     Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

    1997 – 2002         Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

    1994 – 1997         Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering 

 National-wide activity

   2023 - Present      Member of The National Academy of Engineering Korea

   2022 - Present     Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DogWoodAI 

   2021 - Present      Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology 

   2018 - 2022           General member, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea 

   2016                    Chair of CCUS Division in Mission Innovation

   2010 – 2014         Review Board, Korean National Research Foundation

   2010 – 2012         Committee member for Climate Change Countermeasure R&D Program,

                              Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

   2009 – 2011         A member of Energy-saving Division Committee, National Forum on Green


   2007                    Evaluation Committee Member of National Science & Technology Program

   2006 – 2007         Evaluation Committee Member of Korean Research Council of Science &


   2005                    Committee Member of 10-year Plan for National Energy R&DD, Kemco

 ​International academic activity

   2022                     Fellow, The International Adsorption Society

   2018                     Organizing Chair, CASSE1 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam

   2017                     Organizing Chair, Joint Conference of 4th KISHEM & 2017 IASPEP 

   2015 - Present       Adjunct professor, Huaiyin Noraml University, China

   2014 - Present       Editorial Board, Adsorption, Journal of the International Adsorption Society

   2014 - Present       Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials

   2011 - Present       Vice-chair of Scientific Committee, World Congress of Chemical Engineering

   2008                     Organizing Chair of Adsorption Division; 8th International Conference on

                               Separation Science and Technology (ICSST08), Japan

   2004 – 2007          Member of Director Board, International Adsorption Society

   2000 – 2003          Organizing Chairman, The 3nd Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption

                               Science and Technology, Korea

   2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

                               Scientific Committee, International Conference on

                               Fundamentals of Adsorption, International Adsorption Associate

                               (USA, Japan, France, Japan, USA)

   1999, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015

                               International Advisory Committee/Organizing Committee,

                               The Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology

                               (Australia, China, Singapore, Twain, China)

   2003                     International Advisory Committee, International Symposium on Natural

                               Resources Processing-Science and Technology (ISNRP), China.

   2003                     Program Committee, The 4th International Conference on Separation

                               Science and Technology, China.

   2003                     Organizing Chairman, The 3nd Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology




  Domestic academic activity

   2022                      President, The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers 

   2021                      Chief Vice-President, The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers

   2018 - 2019           Chair of Division of Separation Technology in KIChE

   2016                      Vice President, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers 

   2012 – 2013           Member of Director Board, Korean Union of Chemical Science and

                                Technology Societies

   2012                      General director, Korea Institute of Chemical Engineers

   2012                      Director, Korean Union of Chemical Science and Technology Societies

   2009 – 2010           Editorial Board, The Korean Society For New And Renewable Energy

   2006 – 2010           Member of Director Board, Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy

   2005 – 2010           Editorial Board, The Korean Institute of Gas

   2004 – 2006           Member of Director Board, Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers

   2003 – 2010           Member of Director Board and Editorial Board (Carbon Letters), Korean

                                Carbon Society

   2003 – 2010           Member of Director Board and Editorial Board, the Korean Institute of Gas

   2003 – 2007           Editorial Board, Korean J. Chem. Eng., The Korean Institute of Chemical


   2002 – 2003           Editorial Board of J. of Ind. Eng. Chem., Korean Institute of Industrial





  Research activity

    2012 – Present      Director, The Next-Generation Converged Energy Materials Research Center

                                (Budget: 12 million USD/10-yr supported by Ministry of National Defense

                                Research group: 11 Univ., 1 Res. Institute)

    2011 – 2012         World Congress of Chemical Engineering 9, Scientific Committee vice-chair

    2010 – 2011         Committee member for Climate Change Countermeasure R&D Program

    2010 – 2011         Review Board of National Research Foundation of Korea

    2006 2011         Director, Project Program for SMB processes for energy saving

                               (Budget: 7 million USD/5-yr supported by Ministry of Knowledge and

                               Economy, Research group: 5 Univ., 5 Companies, 2 Nat’l Res. Institutes)

    2009 – 2011         A member of Energy-saving Division Committee, National Forum on Green Growth
    2008                    Organization Chair for Adsorption; 8th International Conference on Separation

                               Science and Technology (ICSST08), Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan

    2007 – 2007         Evaluation Committee Member of National Science & Technology Program
    2006 – 2007         Evaluation Committee Member of Korean Research Council of Public Science & Technology

    2005 – 2005         Committee Member of 10-year Plan for National Energy R&DD, Kemco International academic activity 

 Technology Transfer to Industry

   2007                   Non-corrosive continuous SCWO process

   2005                   PVSA Process of High Purity Oxygen Generation for Oxy-fuel Combustion

   2001                   Energy-Saving Adsorption Dryer




   2022                   Distinguished Professor, Yonsei University

   2009,2012,2022   Award​ for outstanding lecture in Undergraduate Class 

   2017,2018,2019   Outstanding Achievement Award for Professor, Yonsei University

                             (integrated achievement)

   2004,2014,2016  Outstanding Achievement Award for Professor, Yonsei University (research)

   2003                   Outstanding Research & Education Award, College of Engineering, Yonsei ​University 

   2015                   Model-based Innovation Prize, PSE, UK

   2011                   Certificate of Appreciation, ACS publication​ 

   1992                   Texaco Foundation Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh
   1991                   Outstanding Graduate Student Award and Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh 

   2014                   Special Prize for Traditional Chemical engineering, The Korean Institute of      Chemical Engineers

   2013                   Prime Minister’s Award, Korea: Contribution to Science and Technology

   2011-2012          Who's Who in Science and Engineering Eleventh Edition, The Marquis Who's Who Publication Board

   2011                   Certificate of ​Outstanding Assessment of Basic Research Plan in 2011,

                             National Research Foundation of Korea

   2011                   One of Excellent 30 Technologies in Technology commercialization,

                             Ministry of Knowledge and Economy/Korea institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning 

   2009                   Minister's Award of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology :

                             Contribution to Technology Development for Global Climate Chang Protection​

   ​2006                   Honorable Contribution Award for Korean J. Chem. Eng., Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers

   2005                   One of Representative Excellent 50 Research Awards in 2005,

                             Ministry of Science and Technology/Korea Science and Engineering Foundation​

   1999                   Outstanding Paper Award for Young Professor (Shimgang), Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers



RESEARCH FIELDS (Current project-based topics):

Gas Adsorption Technology

H2 PSA for off-gas, H2 PSA for IGCC, Carbon capture, Sulfur and Nitrogen removal from refinery products and natural gas

Simulated Moving Bed Process

Racemic separation, Energetic material recovery, Operational strategy.

Supercritical Fluids

Upgrade for heavy residue oils, Biomass conversion

New Adsorbents

Porous nano-sized magnetite, Core/shell nano-sized magnetite, Mesoporous MgO



h-index: 58, i10-index: 244, citation: 11900


International Journal Publication (Written by English: SCI papers): 300+ papers

Journal Publication (Written by Korean): 45 papers

Conference Presentation Paper: international 300+, domestic 500+

Patent: domestic 56 (56 registered, 0 pending), international 21 (21 registered, 0 pending)

Book: - Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (Korean, representative author Chang-Ha Lee with 8 authors),

              Chung Mun Gak, 2008.

- Adsorption Science and Technology (English), Editor : Chang-Ha Lee, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2003

- Advances in Carbon Capture: Methods, Technologies and Applications (English),

Chapter 3. CO2 absorption by common solvents, Editor : Peyman Pakzad, Masoud Mofarahi, Meisam Ansarpour, 

Morteza Afkhamipour, and Chang-Ha Lee,

Chapter 9. CO2 adsorption by conventional and nanosized zeolites, Editor : Ali Bakhtyari, 

Masoud Mofarahi, and Chang-Ha Lee,

Elsevier, WP (Woodhead Publishing), 2020.